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we only get one life on earth. all the possible experiences, thoughts, feelings, and knowledge that is in our reach during our one priceless life is unlimited, so are our lives right now the fullest they are able to be? tune into athenable with me for a variety of episodes (topics such as self-worth, inspiration, and happiness), my personal experiences, random thoughts, and everything in between. so that together, with the wisdom we learn from each other’s rather normal lives, we are able to do anything.

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About me
and the show

Hi, my name is Athena, and I’m a junior in high school. I live in New York City, and I’m obsessed with sunsets. Throughout my pretty normal life, I’ve seen first-hand people not reaching their full potential and not getting the most out of life simply because either they don’t know how, or they need a mindset change. It really saddens me to see people bored of their lives, while feeling unmotivated to enlist change. And even though my life is far from perfect, I want to take this opportunity to share the things that I’ve learned throughout my life so that we can all grow together. It has always and always will be my dream for a happier world, and it brings me so much joy to be able to help people all over the world change their perspective on life and heal their mental mind. As fellow humans, we need to lift each other up and give our all to help others because we all deserve this. Especially you.

Currently in progress of thinking of a name for this little guy… feel free to send me suggestions! (Suggested name: Athena Frog by Alex)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I’m listening and I love everything you’re saying and it’s so brave you’re putting your voice and personal experiences out there ❤ I will definitely tune in to all episodes.


Rating: 5 out of 5.

I think your podcast is very inspirational. It helps me see a new perspective on life. Keep up the great work!!!!!


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Instead of donating to me, it would mean a lot for you to donate to The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation. They are committed to alleviating the suffering caused by mental illness by awarding grants that will lead to advances and breakthroughs in scientific research. They are the nation’s top non-governmental funder of mental health research grants, and 100% of donations is for research.

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